Easy Ticket multi-agent, online sales system with dynamic capacity management
Beneficiary: BEKS Kommunikációs Technika Kft
Project ID: 2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00272
Contact: Sándor Bacsa, Managing Director; e-mail: bacsa.sandor@beks.hu
In the post-virus era, the tourism sector has seen significant changes in the area of “touchlessness”.
Targeted, innovative, digital solutions that provide fast, cost-effective, secure solutions will play a much more important role in the life of tourist destinations.
The need for controlled access and the necessary convenience in ticketing is now ubiquitous, from travel to sports and leisure activities.
Modern ticketing methods are also being introduced in sports and leisure facilities in Hungary.
Some of the domestic players have some solutions, but none of them can solve the problem of synchronisation between online systems, thus the problem of dynamic capacity management.
In this project, we aim to develop an integrated access and ticketing system that does not exist on the market, which can accommodate the needs of all online sales systems, whether web or mobile, while at the same time performing the kind of synchronisation tasks that different online sales systems cannot currently perform between themselves.
This will create a unique sales system that does not exist on the international market.
The project will develop an online sales and access system, called Easy Ticket, a multi-tenant online sales and access system with dynamic capacity management, which will ensure simultaneous sales on multiple sales platforms with dynamic capacity allocation.
Artificial intelligence will ensure that no overselling or underselling occurs.
Fraud detection AI will also be implemented to ensure a fraud-free system that is trusted by all partners.
The stable and predictable operation of the system, even in the event of disruptions, will be ensured by distributed systems 21.
The system will be stable and resilient in the event of system failures.
The system’s novel features include dynamic capacity management and revenue enhancement procedures in a multi-agent sales system using artificial intelligence, as well as fraud/abuse detection using artificial intelligence, fraud detection and indication, and alerting.
The “Easy Ticket multi-tasking online sales system with dynamic capacity management”.
BEKS Ltd. will implement the project with an investment cost of 362 MSEK with a grant of 228.3 MSEK.
The project is planned to be completed by September 2024.